Review: Bomb Cosmetics Bath Blasters – Pineapple Expressed and Lime and Coconut Parfait

I’ve just realised I never reviewed these little lovelies for you! I was given these as part of a Secret-Santa-type thing my theatre group did after our last play, and I never did find out who my mysterious benefactor was – if you’re reading this now, thank you very much! As much of a Lush fan as I am, I’m always keen to branch out, and these two bath blasters (aka bombs) from Bomb Cosmetics, Pineapple Expressed and Lime and Coconut Parfait, are perfect fruity scents for spring!  Continue reading

Birthday Lush Haul!

So, I was a very lucky girl on my birthday, and was given lots of awesome Lush bits to keep me pampered through the exam period… I thought I’d show you what I got! (Quick disclaimer – I definitely don’t mean to brag, I’m just excited to have new Lush stuff!) Continue reading

Review: Lush May Day Bath Bomb

An extra post for you today – aren’t you lucky! What’s the occasion? There’s a new limited edition bath bomb at Lush!

What, you hadn’t heard about it either? I was stunned, when I popped into Lush on the 1st, to find the new May Day bath bomb sitting pretty on the side. It’s only here until the end of May, and all the proceeds go towards anti-badger cull charities, which is an excellent thing in my book. The scent of this is likely to be a bit of a divisive one, so read on to find out what I thought…

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Review: Lush Rose Bubble Bar*

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I love rose products, so I was thrilled to be given this cute little Rose bubble bar in my Lush #Oxmeet goody bag – and to be honest with you, I’ve already stocked up on a couple more! Continue reading

Review: Lush Brightside Bubble Bar


Hello! I’m finally back! I’m on my Easter break and have time to blog at last – it’s been pretty crazy here. Still, your regular service resumes, and just in time for spring.

This big orange beauty, the Brightside bubble bar, is part of this year’s Easter range at Lush. It’s a returning favourite from last year, and I definitely had to stock up this time round. Scented with The Sun perfume, this is an amazingly orangey bubble bar – it has three different kinds of orange in it, which makes for an incredibly strong, uplifting citrus bath. This is the perfect way to convince yourself that spring is on its way. Even if it’s cold outside, this will make you feel like you’ve just been skipping through a field in the sunshine!

It’s also gorgeous. This is one of the biggest bubble bars that Lush does, of a similar size to the Comforter, and although this year it looks a little smaller, it’s also a lot chunkier, so I think it balances out. I can easily get 10 baths out of a bar this big, with a huge amount of bubbles, so Brightside is well worth the money (£4.50). I love how sunny and cheerful it looks – the one downside to all that orange, of course, being that your bath water looks a little… interesting. But since that’s usually hidden under mounds of bubbles, it’s not too big a problem!

Brightside is an absolute favourite of mine, and I’d recommend it to anyone who likes fun, fresh scents. Did you try it last year? Have you got one this year?

Asha x

February Empties!

I can’t believe how quickly the end of February has snuck up on me! I know it’s the shortest month, but still… Even so, I still managed to get through quite a few products this month, so read on to see what I’ve been using!


I got this sample of Dr Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-Bright Dark Circle Minimizer when I had my mini-facial at Origins, and I managed to make this tiny sachet last for three weeks. This is an amazing eye cream that really had a lightening effect on my perpetual dark circles, and made me feel confident to wear less concealer! I wholeheartedly recommend it, but since it’s £32 for 15ml, it’s a tad expensive for my budget.  Continue reading

My Final Lush Christmas Haul…

Yes, kids, Christmas at Lush is finally over… With their traditional half-price sale on at Boxing Day, the last few Christmas products have been swept from the shelves, and we’re all left either revelling in our Christmas arrivals or lamenting products never to be seen again.


My stash of Lush products has been seriously augmented in the last week or so, both by Christmas present from lovely people, and by a bit of sneaky ordering of my own…

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Review: NSpa Japanese Spa Rituals Gift Set


I received this pretty little gift set for Christmas – I love NSpa as a brand (and am actually a member of Nirvana Spa, the spa/gym behind the brand), so I was really happy to see this under the tree! The Japanese Spa Rituals gift set contains three travel-sized products with a cherry blossom and rice milk scent, all housed in a gorgeous bubblegum pink wash bag of a very good size that will be perfect for all my trips up and down to Oxford.  Continue reading

A Well-Deserved Bath!

So, Oxford has this horrible tradition of setting you exams four days after the start of term, to check you’ve been working over the holidays. So that’s why I’ve been a tiny bit quiet!

I finished my last exam on Saturday at lunchtime, and after grabbing a bite to eat, I leapt into the bath to unwind from all those hours at my desk…


I resorted to my old favourite, Rose Jam bubble bar from Lush, for a really comforting scent, and whacked on some Catastrophe Cosmetic face mask in case my skin felt a bit stressed. Teamed with a cup of Twinings Rose Garden tea and the second book in the Temeraire series, Throne of Jade, I had a wonderfully relaxing hour completely free of all exam stress!

Just a short post today, but I have plenty coming up in the next few days, so don’t worry, I am back!

Asha x