Cherry Diva Jewellery Haul

Over the Easter weekend, I discovered a new online shop, Cherry Diva Jewellery. They do a great range of statement necklaces and cute, dainty little pieces, and I just had to grab a few bits for myself! The prices are ridiculously cheap – these three pieces were £8.50 all together, but they’re surprisingly high quality pieces, so I would definitely recommend checking them out!

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Lush Valentine’s Day Haul Part Two <3

Did you see Part One, where I reviewed the Neon Love soap and Prince Charming shower gel? Well, I couldn’t help going back to Lush to pick up a couple more items from the Valentine’s Day Lush products…


So I came home with the Love Locket bath bomb and the Tender is the Night massage bar. As I mentioned in my last post, I think these are both pretty pricey (£6.95 and £6.50 respectively), but if that doesn’t put you off, then you should really enjoy these two sweet, girly products. Continue reading

End of Term Hauling, Part Three: The Body Shop

Have you seen Part One of this haul? If not, start there!

Today I’m showing you what I came home to; a haul achieved in my absence, thanks to some belated birthday presents and my mum’s trip to the Body Shop Outlet at Swindon. So, thanks Mum!


Yes, that’s quite a lot of lip balm… With the things I picked up from the Body Shop last week, I’m pretty much sorted for body butter and lip balm for a while now! Continue reading

End of Term Hauling, Part One: Superdrug

I’m at home! I’ve left the dreaming spires behind for some real dreaming (ie, sleeping like the dead for a week to make up for term time). And of course, since leaving Oxford feels like leaving civilisation, I did some shopping before I came down. And then found some more beauty bits waiting for me. And then did a little bit of book shopping once I got home.

I’m going to be putting myself on an unnecessary beauty spending ban for July, while I save up for a ticket to Green Man festival in August, so these are the last few bits and bobs I’ll be getting for a little while.

Today, then, I’ll show you my haul from Superdrug. Tomorrow, it’ll be what I stocked up on from Lush. Saturday, you can see what was waiting for me when I got home, and then on Sunday, for the Book Nook, my book buys.

P1010053This is thanks to running out of powder, looking for an alternative to Lush’s Aqua Marina, and a tempting Bourjois offer…

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Brilliant Body Shop Deals (with Tiny Haul)

I had a very tempting email this morning from Voucher Codes, offering me a completely FREE Born Lippy lip balm from the Body Shop, so I popped down after lunch to grab one and check out the sale at the same time.


The sale seemed to be largely shower gels (which I find overpriced even in the sale) and body butters, mostly reduced to £5 – I love these body butters the most of any moisturisers. I know I have two fruity body butters waiting for me at home from my mother’s recent trip to a Body Shop outlet, so I was fairly restrained, and only picked up one in Moroccan Rose. I’ve been looking for something to top up moisture after my Lush Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner, and this seems like it will match really well.  Continue reading


I’ve had a few occasions this week to pop into the shops with some of my birthday money, and I’ve found some gorgeous little bargains in Primark. I also treated myself to something from my wishlist as a bit of a present for getting through a horrible week at uni last week.

Firstly, I found these two little dresses, for £13 each… A white lace pinafore dress (size 12), and a watercolour floral dress with an entirely cut-out back (size 10).

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I actually bought the size 12 of the watercolour dress first of all, but when I got it home it looked terrible! Because it was a bit too big, the edges of the cut-out back gapped away from my skin, and there was too much room in the bust (yes, too much!), so it wasn’t very flattering. I swapped it the next day for the size 10, which fit much better, and it looks really cute!


You know how sometimes in Primark you just find one mysterious item of clothing on its own, on a different rack, and you can never find any others? This skirt caught my eye for exactly that reason, and luckily the billy-no-mates was a size 10! For £8, I think this was a good find – it’s high-waisted, and comes to about mid-thigh on me. It was really hard to get a nice photo of, but it’s very pretty, and will hopefully feature in an outfit post soon.

P1000778Last but not least, I finally got my hands on this lovely bee necklace from my spending ban wishlist! For £6, this would make a really sweet gift. It’s a short necklace – the bee sits in the hollow of my neck, if I do it up on the shortest link – but that’s my favourite length for necklaces, so I adore it!

Have you found any gems in Primark lately? There’s so much of their spring fashion I really like – what do you think of my finds?

Asha x



A Great Sprawling Haul: Part Two

This time, spring clothing and ball gowns! …plus one more little beauty buy. I can’t help myself!

This weather is driving me mad – it’s cold, but it’s spring! I’m ready to move on with my wardrobe, but reluctant to do a huge shopping trip just in case it never gets warm again.

Without further ado, then, here is what I bought to ease me into April dressing. The first three items I bought are from H&M in High Wycombe – does anyone else find that some branches are full of things you love, while you can’t find anything in others? I never find anything I like in Reading’s H&M, but the High Wycombe one is a treasure trove for me! I’ve tried to find these items on the website to link for you, but it is a nightmare with no search function, so I’ve only been partially successful.

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Another small haul

I really went through a make-up buying phase last week – not only did I come back from Bicester with all these pretties from L’Occitane, but Boyfriend popping into Superdrug for shower gel last weekend turned into me buying these too!

IMG_1694IMG_1695Fine, it was inevitable that I’d buy another Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain. I love the formula, and I’ve already raved about it here, so I won’t go over it again – this shade is called Honey, and it’s a very neutral pink which almost makes me reach for the hated words ‘my lips but better’. It’s slightly paler than my natural lip colour, but its sheerness means that it doesn’t look stupidly Barbie-pink on me. Another good addition to my growing collection of these versatile lip products.

I wanted to pick up a pressed powder to temper my foundation with. I don’t know if it’s me getting paler, or what, but all of a sudden my normal foundation seems very very obvious. This was only something stupid like £1.99, and it seems to be doing the job!

Finally, I bought a baked eyeshadow duo from Accessorize, which I really didn’t need. I’d been disappointed by the selection of eyeshadows at the Mac outlet at Bicester – although there were some gorgeous marbled baked ones, they were very battered and not reduced very much (I think around £12 for one?). This caught my eye as being very similar, and it was two colours for £3.95. I love the look of these marbled eyeshadows – I think they look like little planets. How cute would a set of planet themed baked shadows look? Anyway, these are very very pigmented and soft, and I’ve been wearing them all week!

IMG_1698Make up urges somewhat subdued, I nipped over to Lush to grab a Brightside bubble bar before the Easter stock disappears this weekend.

IMG_1690This smells delicious, like bright citrus and spring – it has the same scent as the Sun perfume from Gorilla Perfumes, if you fall in love with the scent of this bubble bar. It’s huge (the size of The Comforter)- I used one-sixth for my bath the other night, and that gave me more than enough bubbles, so this really will last a long time. My one issue is that it turned the water an… interesting shade of yellow-orange, which wasn’t great, but luckily that was mostly hidden by MOUNDS OF BUBBLES!

I did actually buy something else from Lush, the Brazened Honey face mask, but I stupidly left it in the fridge at Boyfriend’s house. I should have it back soon, and then I’ll let you know how I get on with it!

As you can see, I’ve been splurging on beauty quite a bit recently – what are your recent spring finds?

Asha x